My Personal Journey Through Life-Altering Changes

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In this post, I am sharing a life update: My Personal Journey Through Life-Altering Changes that have occurred this past year and what this means for my future.

For the last year and a half or so, I have been having a tough time struggling with pain. It has caused some life-altering changes in my personal life, forcing me to reassess my priorities and find new ways to navigate daily tasks and responsibilities.

Since my early 20s, I have been dealing with back pain. Usually, I push through it or take some Motrin and go about my day. The last several months have been a world war of changes in my life that have happened so fast. For over 20 years, I have run a Family daycare business and a Photography business out of my home, not to mention dabbling into some graphic design here and there. 

As you can imagine, the jobs I do does a number on your body with alot lifting, bending, carrying, and so on. I loved being self-employed and controlling my career, and I did it well. Although it did come with some obstacles, I have learned so much from being a business owner. 

Purple flowers in a blue mason jar outside on the ground.

My Life Changed So Fast 

I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night with pain in my legs and pain in my right hip. I thought something was seriously wrong with my health. Life-altering changes have been challenging and overwhelming. I went to my family doctor, only for the doctor to brush me off as if nothing was wrong. She told me to Stretch my legs. 

The pain continued to happen. Even after I went back again and again,  the doctor still dismissed what I was going through. The thing is that the pain in my legs only bothered me at night, and it would wake me up and be unbearable at times. Taking Motrin did not help. I was beyond frustrated. So my husband suggested that I go to his family doctor, so I did that. From there, the doctor sent me to an orthopedics clinic. 

Tests Reveal the Problem

After meeting with the Orthopedic, the doctor was sure I would need back surgery to correct the problem. But, first, an MRI and an X-ray were required to be done; it was confirmed that I did have some serious issues going on with my back, and my left side was weak. However, a second opinion from the neurosurgeon would give us some final answers to what is going on.

The NueroSurgeon reviewed my lab reports, and it was determined that it was not just my right hip but both of my hips. There is nerve damage and severe arthritis in my spine (L5). I was told to stay away from the knife. Basically, surgery will not correct my problem. The only thing I can do is manage my pain and rest. I was advised not to lift or carry anything that is weight-bearing on my back and hips.

So, not only am I dealing with nerve damage and arthritis in my lower spine, I am dealing with bursitis in my hips. This may be why I struggle to keep my balance when walking long distances. Because of the damage to my spine, I can no longer work. From what the doctor can see on my tests, it is amazing that I even worked for as long as I did.

It Affected Me Emotionally

When the doctor told me what I would need to do to have some sort of quality of life, it really upset me. As the doctor was explaining the following steps to take and that I could no longer work, I cried for days. It was a real struggle for me to understand and grasp what was being told to me. Imagine being told you could never work again. How would you handle it? 

Sure, we all want a break; I knew I had wanted one for a long time to take some time to reflect. But not stopping to work permanently really indescribably affected me. I prayed to God every day, and I still do, to get me through the pain, to lead me in a fulfilling direction, and to put all my worries and fears to him, for the Lord will see me through.

“I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me”. 

Psalms 57:2

Managing pain on a daily basis is one thing, but working to provide for my family is another. Of course, it would be nice to have some time off, but this is not how I imagined it would be. Everything I have worked for and the businesses I have built are all gone now. I put so much into them, and for what? Just for it to be over! Yes, I am angry and upset. This certainly is not how I imagined my retirement!

Closure and Heartache That Defined My Entire Life

It took me some time to gather the courage to finally let my photography clients know that photoshoots are at a halt. Gosh, it hurt so much to write an email to them. The tears strolled down my face, and I thought, why is this happening? 

Stopping the daycare business was hard to do. Yes, I know it could be worse. But I put so much love and hard work into it. Telling the daycare families that I can no longer provide care for their children was tough. The children mean so much to me, and not seeing their cute faces on a daily basis is something I don’t think I would ever get used to. Not to mention all the wonderful friendships I have made over the years. I will miss them all so very much.

What does this mean for my future?

I can no longer work. I am permanently disabled! Being a daycare owner and a photographer is something I love, and it is so dear to my heart and soul. I worked really hard to be where I am, to be able to provide for my family and to live comfortably. So many changes have occurred over time while being in so much pain. 

The hardest thing for me was accepting the reality of making major lifestyle changes and letting go of all the hard work I had done over the years as a small business owner. It felt like I was losing not just my job but a significant part of my life purpose. Furthermore, I have always been the kind of person who doesn’t mind working. Making these kinds of life-altering changes took a little bit of getting used to.

For a while now, I feel like I’m losing my balance all the time, so I have to walk with a cane to help me. Going out is not easy anymore for me when I have to walk. I really have to take things into consideration when making plans to go out. It’s not easy!

Back and Hip Pain Will Always be a Part of My life.

Now I am in pain every day, and my mind is going through the cycle of what do I do now? How do I manage each day while being in pain? And just trying to get through the day. I never thought this would be something that would end my career. I thought that I would have several more years to go before I would actually retire from my two businesses, and I enjoy the rest of my life with my family. 

We all take walking, bending, or reaching for something for granted. For me, it’s something I have to think about before actually doing it. Every day, I have to remember to walk slowly and take my time, no matter what I’m doing. Unfortunately, this is my new life, and I have to make the best of it and come to peace with it.

A field of purple flowers

Some people may wonder, why not get a new job? Because of the severity of my newfound health issues, a career change is not an option. Sitting and standing for too long would have a lasting impact on me. Not to mention the medication that helps to take the edge off, not take the pain away, makes me extremely tired. Most days, when I have a bad flare-up, I need to lie down just to help minimize the amount of pain I am in.

Navigating Life-Altering Changes

In the midst of these life changes, I am learning to navigate the big change of not working and dealing with constant back and hip pain. Letting go of things I once held dear has been incredibly challenging, yet it has also allowed me to focus on my daily life and the present moment.

Each day, I draw on my inner strength to face some of my greatest fears, such as losing my independence and identity. Despite the difficulties, I am finding a beautiful light in this journey, discovering resilience and appreciation for the simple joys that still remain. Moving forward, I will continue to blog about home decor, decorating on a budget, and so much more. I also plan to share health updates from time to time, hoping to inspire others and create a supportive community around similar experiences.

What Does My Day Look Like Now?

My day will vary depending on how I am feeling. My morning starts with tending to our fur babies, coffee devotions, and journaling. I plan to continue blogging (I enjoy writing and sharing inspiration with others). I put a lot of work into my blog and want to continue whenever I feel comfortable sitting and writing. With house chores, my family has been helping with tackling what needs to be done.

Being in constant movement isn’t necessarily a good thing for me, so if I don’t have pain, I will do some laundry, make the bed, and so on. Like I said before, I have to do it before that I don’t overdo it as I can really hurt myself. Letting my family take over most of the house chores has made me some sorta of way. 

Commonly Asked Questions

How can I cope with chronic pain and maintain a positive outlook?

Coping with chronic pain involves finding a balance between medical treatments, lifestyle adjustments, and emotional support. Engaging in activities that bring joy, practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness, and seeking support from loved ones or support groups can all contribute to maintaining a positive outlook despite the challenges.

What inspired you to start blogging about home decor and budget-friendly decorating tips?

I was inspired to start blogging about home decor and budget-friendly decorating tips because I’ve always been passionate about creating beautiful spaces without breaking the bank. Sharing my experiences and tips allows me to connect with others who share similar interests and provide inspiration for transforming living spaces affordably.

How do you stay motivated and continue blogging despite facing Life-Altering Changes?

Managing to stay motivated and continue blogging despite health challenges requires a combination of passion for the subject matter, dedication to maintaining a routine, and adapting my schedule to accommodate my health needs. I find inspiration in the supportive community of readers and fellow bloggers, and I prioritize self-care to ensure I can continue sharing valuable content.

How do you balance blogging and managing your health challenges?

Balancing blogging and managing my health challenges requires careful planning and prioritization. I set realistic goals for my blogging schedule, taking into account my health needs and energy levels each day. Utilizing tools and scheduling posts in advance helps maintain consistency while allowing flexibility for rest and recovery as needed. Additionally, I prioritize self-care practices and seek support from my community to ensure I can continue pursuing my passion for blogging while managing my health effectively.

Purple flowers in a glass jar on a wood table.

In conclusion…

During my life-altering changes, I received so much love and support from family members, close friends, and the wonderful gals from my Bible study group. Their encouragement and compassion have been a lifeline, supporting me in countless ways as I navigate these challenging times.

At the end of the day, their presence reminds me that I’m not alone on this unexpected twist in life’s journey, and their kindness fuels my determination to find peace and purpose in each new day. I am endlessly grateful to them for their unwavering support and love during this difficult chapter of my life. Their care has been a beacon of hope, helping me see beyond the pain and uncertainties and inspiring me to keep moving forward with strength and resilience.

Name image for Dusty at Linen and WildflowersIf you want to follow along on our home restoration/renovation plans and all of our exciting antique & thrift finds, be sure to check out Linen and Wildflowers on FacebookInstagram, and Pinterest! And don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to receive updates.


  1. I can’t imagine your day-to-day struggle! I was diagnosed with a degenerative eye disease at 17 & abruptly had to stop driving at 25! I completely understand the anger & frustration! Now, 50, I see how God’s hand was at work the entire time! Life is different but a GREAT kind of different. Thank you for being raw and sharing.🥰

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I am so grateful to God & my family for getting me through it. I am so sorry you had to endure your struggles. I pray that God will see you through on your journey!

  2. Sorry to hear about your struggles. Life changing challenges can sure be daunting. Praying for some relief from your pain and success in your forward endeavours.

  3. Sorry to hear that you are hurting. Hopefully you will find a good doctor to help you with your quality of life. Nowadays it’s hard to find a doctor that will treat you with the medicine people in chronic pain need. Luckily I have an understanding pain doctor and he helps with my quality of life, don’t know what I’d do without him. Hope you feel better.

    1. You are very kind & I appreciate your kind words so much. Thank you! I am glad you have a good doctor. Yes, I agree, the doctor I now have is awful. I can not wait to switch. Hopefully it will be my husband’s doctor that will take me on.❤️

  4. Wow, what a struggle you’ve had! Praying that God gives you peace and understanding as you navigate this next stage of life. ❤️

  5. Wow, beautifully written, thank you for your openness and transparency, not always easy. I am so sorry for the challenges you are going through. Life can be incredibly tough sometimes. It sounds like you have a great support system around you, and I have every bit of faith that you will transition to a satisfying and fulfilling future. Truly. Prayers for you and your family.

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