
Thrifting for Home Decor

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Thrifting for home decor is what I love to do, especially when I acquire some fantastic finds, including antiques.

When I am thrifting for home decor, I always try to be very intentional about what I buy, but sometimes you find something that just speaks to you, and you know you have to have it. However, when thrifting, any items I purchase must go with my American Country style home.

My sister planned a day starting early with breakfast at a cafe, then hitting the thrift stores, including a barn sale which I was most excited about. My sister isn’t a thrifter, but she got a few finds. I may just get her addicted yet to thrifting!

I keep a list on my phone for items I am looking for but with no luck. Finally, however, I scored on some great finds; even if they were not on my list or I didn’t think I wanted them, I am glad I found them.

Oil Lamp-$5.00

I have a collection of old oil lamps. Not that I was looking for anymore, but my sister saw this tiny Oil lamp that was so unique & darling, and she knew I would love it. Even though I almost didn’t get it, I am happy I did.

When I showed it to my husband, he said it was missing the hurricane shade, and I realized he was right. So I jumped online and was able to order one that would fit. Even though I have no idea where it will be displayed, I am sure I will find the perfect spot before you know it.


This is one of those finds I am always happy to add to my collection. I was excited about this set of bowls & plates. They will look beautiful displayed in my China cabinet until we are ready to use them.


Delicate floral linens were so pretty. I have been looking for something to use for my photography still photos and thought these would be perfect to use. They were free of any threading & stains. They have this light & airy feel about them, and I know they would be ideal.


I am always looking for an excellent book to read, and I found this one called “House Rules” by Jodi Picoult and I heard it was a fantastic read, and I can not wait to dive in. But, unfortunately, I don’t make enough time to read, and I really ought to. However, I am working on making more time in the early mornings after journaling & devotions while my clan is still asleep.

Wall Art-$4.99

Beautiful art is one of the items I always have on my list. I have been looking for a print for my bedroom. The gold frame is a bit bright for my taste, but I plan to get some rough & buff to tone it down, and it will be perfect.

Hobnail lantern lamp-$8.99

Here is a funny story! As my sister & I were checking out, I saw the lamp behind the checkout counter on the table, so I inquired about it and asked if it was for sale. The cashier checked and said it was available, so I asked how much; she said $8.99, and I said sold! Ha!

I have wanted one for a long time, but when I have seen them on the marketplace, they have been too pricey. So this was a for sure a steal for a reasonable price. I am excited because the lamp will look perfect on my antique dresser.

Antique Binoculars-$10.00

We made the hour drive to this barn sale, and I am glad we did because it was so cool. It had so many antiques and unique items, but the one thing that really caught my eye was these little Binoculars. They were tiny, and I just thought they were darling. So as I pondered a bit while looking at the other items, I decided to grab them as a gift to my husband. I knew he would love them, and he indeed did! Not sure how old they are, but they are pretty old and would make a conversation piece on the shelf.

While there, we also grabbed some raw honey, which I always look for at local farms. While we were there, I also got a pretty dahlia plant, which helped support a local farm which was important.

Whether you are thrifting for home decor or looking for some clothes to add to your wardrobe, you want to know what to look for and what to avoid. Here are some tips below!

What should I look for when thrifting?

Fashion-You can get a variety of clothes in great shape.

Books-Purchasing second-hand books are a great way to save money. Check the thrift store first before spending the big bucks and you will be surprised at what you will find.

Dishes-Most cases, you can find a complete set of dishes for next to nothing.

Mason Jars-If you are canning, you can be sure to find them there relatively cheap.

Wood Furniture: Not only is it a good investment, but it is also great for flip projects.

Frames-You can find a variety of styles & sizes.

Lamps-Always a great find if you need one

Vintage Section-Make sure you always check this section; you will something unique, maybe even antiques at a bargain!

What should I not purchase at thrift stores?

Stuffed Animals-You never know the living conditions of the previous owner, because you will want to steer away from it as stuffed animals are loaded with dust mites, or worse, infested with fleas or bed bugs.

Upholstered Furniture-This goes without saying, just like stated about the stuffed animals. If you choose to purchase, get it cleaned before moving it into your home.

Pillows-You are at risk for bug infestation.

Appliances-They are tested to be sure they are working, but it doesn’t mean it will stay that way. Use caution when purchasing.

Undergarments-Just don’t! You will be at risk for transmitted diseases and bacteria unless you are sure they have not been worn. 

Hats-Can lead to the spread of bacteria and lice.

It was a perfect day for thrifting, but more importantly, I spent some time with my sister, which is always a treat. We always enjoy each other’s company and have a great time together!

I hope this post encourages and inspires you on your next thrift haul. 

Name image for Dusty at Linen and WildflowersIf you want to follow along on our home restoration/renovation plans and all of our exciting antique & thrift finds, be sure to check out Linen and Wildflowers onĀ Facebook,Ā Instagram, andĀ Pinterest! And donā€™t forget to sign up for our newsletter to receive updates.

Recent Thrift Haul & 5 thrifting tips

Antique & Vintage Market Haul

Vintage Thrift Store Finds for Home Decor

How to Thrift for Home Decor


  1. You have some beautiful finds here! I love thrifting too and am always on the hunt for the perfect piece. Lately I’ve been finding a lot of ironstone and I seem to buy every piece I find. There’s just something so cozy about a home decorated with thrifted pieces. Thanks for sharing!

  2. What great finds! I love buying second hand things – it saves money, and stops things ending up in landfill. And Iā€™m a collector of mid century pottery, so Iā€™m always looking out for treasures in the op shops here (we call them op shops in New Zealand).

  3. I love reading your posts! I don’t have a single home decor, creative bone in my body. I want my home to look nice without breaking the bank but every time I go to the store, thrift stores, or whatever, I am lost and confused. I enjoy reading your posts!

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